
Last week as I travelled home from work I overheard an interview with a man who lived in the same village as Colm "Gooch" Cooper. The Gooch had sustained an Anterior Cruciate Injury and the man on the radio was asked how this news had affected those in the area.He then uttered the words " It was like a death in the family" I was shocked. As a woman who has, in my other career, taken care of county football players and All Ireland Winners, even I thought this was a crazy statement.At the end of the's sport....not life or death. The radio coverage of The Gooch's injury, surgery and recovery has continued with an air of reverence and admiration....a bit too much fuss....or so I thought.
Last night, at the Monday edition of SCD ( Strictly Come Dancing) a truly shocking and terrible thing happened...and I don't mean watching the bum wiggling of some of the male dancers. I was throwing myself wholeheartedly into the Salsa, trying hard to match the efforts of the Mad One who previously performed this very dance. Suddenly, one hour into training, I stepped back while thrusting my hips seductively sideways, only to feel a sudden severe pain in my left calf....ow ! I limped off to the side just as a break was called and sat on the bench at the side of the gym, stretching my seriously sore calf. I had no ice pack to hand so pressed a cool bottle of mineral water against my throbbing limb in the hope it would initiate a miracle such luck. I watched as my dance colleagues took to the floor again, swirling, stepping, swaying , wriggling and giggling as I sat sad and lonely on the sideline....Gooched ! I could not watch any more so limped out to my car and headed home, feeling decidedly sorry for myself. On arriving home , I hit the couch, decidedly unimpressed by GASP, who thought the whole thing to be only minor in seriousness, as I applied a packet of frozen peas to my serious injury . I was forced to eat a large section of a Butlers Chocolate Bear to keep my strength up as I mentally contemplated life without SCD, and my performance on April 12th....I was GUTTED....truly really Gooch-like gutted.Suddenly it occurred to me, that this is how athletes feel ( not for one minute suggesting that I am now an athlete!) You see having finally found something which I love, which simultaneously makes me feel great, has a big event as part of it and has seen my " bootie" shape up nicely ( it's a matter of opinion !) I am loathe to let anything destroy it, dread the thought that any injury might stop me reaching my goal and would be heartbroken if I did not make it to the big stage on April 12th, as part of the SCD team. No, it's never comparable to a death in the family, but it's bloody serious stuff . My team mates have sent best wishes, which is lovely and I will do everything in my power to be back with them asap......swirling, twirling and giggling .


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