Pussy Galore !

There is a brothel out the back of our house. About 8 females inhabit it, 2 madams and their 6 young ladies. There are two male pimps known as Big Fat Norman and Batman, who visit frequently just to observe or occasionally, no doubt, based on the squeals and screams, to sample the goods. Activity fluctuates on a daily basis, as not all the ladies are there at one time....but when they are it is mostly playful but, women being women, it can turn vicious and occasionally someone gets hurt. I constantly feel the need to step in, but GASP advises me strongly against this citing nature and it being " just the way of the world" and so I remain an interested caring observer. One of the ladies however is very skinny, looks very frail and, in my opinion, needs rescuing, I noticed a particularly rough altercation with Big Fat Norman earlier and wanted to jump straight in but held back for fear of even more trouble. " I love an underdog" I said to GASP, who is quite frankly a bit tired of the carry on...."Did you just day you love being under a dog " asked GASP in fear, but I quickly clarified and emphasised my statement looking straight at him, causing him to slope off muttering to himself. I am genuinely concerned for the welfare of the brothel. One Madam is friendly and caring but the other is an absolute witch, who I would not take on. I have considered bringing in the authorities but don't know what implications this might have or what it might cost me and my previous experience with this industry suggests I will end up out of packet with nothing to show for it. So for now I am merely an observer, I feed them, stroke them as they feed and watch them play. They are called Rosa, Socky, Rosita, Roxy, Tabby, Anita, Conchita, Snooch and Pooch and I am mad about them....Yes I am a Cat Lover !
On another note I went to the posh shoe shop in town today, which I only visit during their sale. My large feet do well in sales as it appears that posh rich people have small feet. Last year I picked up a pair of divine pink suede 5 inch mules and today a pair of gold wedges by Viguera. Mistakenly I thought they were by Viagra...mind you I did get a little rise from them !


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