Give me a break !
So we move on from "one of those days" to one of those weeks, when yet again the "she shall have NO social life this year" fairy waved her wand. I had managed to have a good pre-christmas-party exfoliation in the shower after the vomiting incident, aware that Friday night was coming and I would need to be tanning on Thursday having moisturised on Wednesday.....fat chance !On Tuesday night we went to bed when I started shivering, chattering and goosebumping, to the extent that I put my dressing gown on, over a top and tracksuit bottoms and was still cold ! Not a good feeling and not a good look. I was about to compare myself to Bernard Dunne going into the ring but I am more of a Mike Tyson really. Wednesday was was feeling lousy and poor baby was still off his food but we survived and were well and truly sick of looking out at snow by now. Wednesday night same shivers followed by some very attractive sweating led me to head to the docs on Thursday, my saviour coming...