Strictly Mortifying !
Having been accosted over a pound of sausages by the Dancing Butcher, I find myself enlisted in the local "Strictly Come Dancing" ( SCD from now on). I did not enter this reluctantly as, having spent some time losing 2 stone, I am keen to get fit and this appeared to be a fun way of exercising, while gaining a new skill and meeting some new people.Practice started this week and I showed up in my new slinky sports wear...not like the baggy drawstring tracksuit bottoms of old. My sparkling new trainers immediately identified me as someone to whom exercise is alien, but I was full of enthusiasm. I decided to take my place in the back row for the warm up stretches, one of which involved bending forwards from the waist with arms spread and remaining at a 90 degree angle for a count of 8. Little did I know that this shot of me taken from behind by a local photographer , would be the one which graced the local Rugby Club Facebook page with the caption " guess who is training f...