
Showing posts from January, 2014

Strictly Mortifying !

Having been accosted over a pound of sausages by the Dancing Butcher, I find myself enlisted in the local "Strictly Come Dancing" ( SCD from now on). I did not enter this reluctantly as, having spent some time losing 2 stone, I am keen to get fit and this appeared to be a fun way of exercising, while gaining a new skill and meeting some new people.Practice started this week and I showed up in my new slinky sports wear...not like the baggy drawstring tracksuit bottoms of old. My sparkling new trainers immediately identified me as someone to whom exercise is alien, but I was full of enthusiasm. I decided to take my place in the back row for the warm up stretches, one of which involved bending forwards from the waist with arms spread and remaining at a 90 degree angle for a count of 8. Little did I know that this shot of me taken from behind by a local photographer , would be the one which graced the local Rugby Club Facebook page with the caption " guess who is training f...

Watch your vowels !

So last night I had the pleasure of spending my Saturday night in the compnay of the Financial Advisor and the Blonde, in a local dinner serving ( of course) hostelry. The converstion was flowing from minute one, as it does in the company of those who know each other so well . The talk quickly got round to Italy, as I was boasting of the Canneloni I had prepared earlier in the day, with a view to healthy lunches for the week. As my two dear friends are serious foodies, I questioned them in realtion to the difference between Picorino and Parmesan cheese, as my recipe demanded the former, whereas my fridge only contained the latter.The decison was taken that Picorino was just a milder form of Parmesan and that my Canneloni would not fall based on a decison to choose one over the other. This led on to the Blonde advising us that , as her next BIG ( and I mean BIG!) birthday was in 18 months time, she wished to advise us, that she actually wanted to go to Italy. She expressed a desire to h...

Hairy Story

So the Mad One phones me saying " I have it...your intro for Strictly Come Dancing (SCD).Take a look at Jack by Breach on U tube and phone me back...I am sure we can get the costumes" I advised her that I had never heard of it and asked how to spell the artists name...." Breach as in birth" was the answer and with that she hung up. As GASP was reading the Sky Sports page on my tablet and WWE was entertaining the 2 boys on the x box, I resorted to turning on my sons newly acquired tablet, in my keen curiousity to view this musical masterpiece and the "costumes". I typed in the required terms on Google and hit play ........she has TOTALLY lost it this time ! As a dance tune "Jack" is not bad, but the costumes are human hair...yes, people dressed in clothing made entirely of long straight blonde,frizzy bruntette or curly red hair....human hair !!!!! Now, I may not be the worlds brightest but I really don't think the Rugby Club of my local agri...