
Showing posts from December, 2014

Losing Control

"Do not try to control things, not even a little bit" said my stars on Sunday. This struck a note with me as I may be guilty of wanting to maintain control, a source of amusement and ridicule from my family members (ie. the Mad one and Spud Farmer ). I decided to take the advice and vowed to "go with the flow a little". That evening, while watching The Fall ( oh my God, how hot is Jamie Dornan !) GASP advised me he wanted "to try something different". Although the control freak in me wanted to know exactly what he was talking about, when he said " trust me, just go with it" I knew I had to......just this once ! What if I put it here he said.....Oh dear Lord this was well outside my cmnfort zone . "No, you'll have to move it" I said in a panic. " No" said GASP gently......"just leave it here for a few minutes to get used to it". It wasn't easy . I so wanted him to move it, return it to it's usual, familiar...