48 hours of French bliss
So the Friday had finally arrived. Having previously advised The Mad One that I could not possibly pop off to Carcasonne for 48 hours in November , I was delighted I had succumbed to her insistence and was well and truly of " switching off" for 2 whole days. The Caribbean Queen had adopted my usual role of chief organiser , booking flights and driving us to the airport , checking us in online and merely handing me my boarding card when we got to the airport. The Mad One was as high as a kite and actually ran through the airport to embrace Sunshine who had come by bus from the sunny south east. Off through security we went and 5 minutes later were sipping Vodka and Tonics , toasting our much needed break and trying not to cry with child like excitement. 2 hours later we were in Carcassonne having been subjected to a Ryanair Learner Pilots landing , causing the Mad One to utter a very loud four letter expletive on hitting the ground....trust me no one clapped the pilot on this...