Somethings gotta give or LBC Le Taxi
In the past 3 weeks ( 21 days exactly) I have orchestrated and delivered a weekend for all four of us in Liverpool for GASP's impending BIG birthday. This included getting two tickets for GASP and the eldest to go to Heaven ie. Anfield thanks to a very dear friend aka The President. As it was a surprise trip all details fell to my good self and, if I may say so, it was a resounding success. Since we docked off our swift ferry on Monday March 13th I have had the car serviced and NCT'd, done the drop off for 3 singing lessons, 3 swimming lessons, gone to 6 football games, 9 training sessions, compered a pub quiz, arranged costumes for no uniform day, attended a St. Patrick's Day parade, attended a " please inject my butt" appointment, visited a patient in hospital twice , took the eldest to the Aviva for Ireland v Iceland having won tickets, had the carpets and couch cleaned, cooked, reheated or microwaved 18 dinners , and bought a new cooker as they were the last 1...