Food Festival Heaven !

Summer has to my favourite time of the year for one reason only....the food festival circuit. It kicked off a couple of weeks ago with a local food and craft fair, where I sampled the great Aruna Sauce range of curries, produced in Ardee and had the best soup I have ever tasted. It was simply called Lebanese soup and was a moorish combination of chicken pieces, chickpeas and a barage of fresh herbs....amazing.It was the work of Assia El-Zarruk ( who will cater for any event and if the soup is anything to go by, no one will be dissapointed!
This weekend sees Carlingford host their Taste of Carlingford event, with lots of events, for adults and childen alike, a a ramble for those who feel the need to do something healthy before tucking in.On Sunday we will venture over to Carnaross, for the Sheridans Food Fair, with loads of stands, and even a childrens cheese tasting...brilliant !
Bloom comes upon us the June Bank Holiday weekend and apart from the garden bits, has an artisan food market, whcih you can enjoy while hubby takes the kids to the Imaginosity bit .
These only serve as a build up however to my favourite of all events "The Taste of Dublin"....bring it on !

The cupcakes are from !


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