Keeping up appearances

The photos above are a)the official headshot and b)a picture taken some time ago ,of Justine Greenings, Secretary of State for Transpost in the British Parliment. Now, why, I hear you ask, am I putting photos of a British MP on my blog.I will I had to spend some time in a posh hospital and luckily it involved an extended period of watching Sky news on a Sony Bravia flat screen. (I would like to point out that I was there in a personal capacity, not as part of my job, before you all think Sony Bravia viewing is acceptable during a public servants workling day!) There was great excitement in advance of the Secretary of State for Transport's official announcement of the approval of the HS2 High Speed train, which would travel at 225km per hour from London to Birmingham in 49 minutes !!!! I kid you not. In advance of going "live" to the Commons, we heard from locals who lived in various villages along the route who were not happy, we viewed a couple of quiet villages, who faced "years of discruption" during the construction phase and heard the total cost would come to 32 billion pounds sterling....blimey !
I was getting very excited by all this and then the time came for the Secretary of State for Transports speech. Justine Greening took the podium and I was HORRIFIED. It's her big moment, a massive announcement for which she will always be remembered. She had the floor, uninterrupted, for approximately 15 minutes, with half the world watching and, due to camera angle, while she was referring to her notes, all I could see were her roots !!!!!!! Since photo a) was taken she has cut her hair into a bob, but it appears she decided to ignore the fact that her blonde colour is now half way down her could she ? It is bad enough that she was wearing the same shiny suit and mismatched stripy top as in picture b), but she let the whole female world down, when she let so many men know that her hair colour is not real !What possible reason could she have....she is not in charge of civil wars, natural disasters( apart from her own), making peace, health, education or's I make my point ?
I did carry out a Wikipedia search in case she has some immense personal reason for letting herself go to such an extent ( she is 42 and single), but there is nothing !
It's no wonder she is the 9th best "value for money" as she has never used any expenses to get her hair done !
Well done to my friend the FA, who had her roots done today.....thank you for keeping up appearences. May you get to take the podium soon.
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