
Showing posts from November, 2012

50 shades...ardee style

I held it in my hand and caressed was hard, smooth and it's red round end glistened in my hand. I could not wait to get it inside me. Lovingly I caressed it and wondered if my sister knew what her husband was capable of delivering.She really didn't appreciate the depths of his talents, but I would not be guilty of that sin. I was going to savour every bit of it , slowly nibbling before devouring it. I gasped, awash with feelings I had not known for some time. The others did not compare...this was going to be an experience and I knew what I was getting, because I had had it before and was left satisfied, smiling and wanting more.....there is nothing like a Rooster. Kerrs Pinks don't even come close and as for Maris Piper....pah ! The Spud Farmer produced premium produce and had left his bag at my back door...if you know what I mean ! As I gently cleansed it of it's Louth mud, patted it dry and pricked it, I thanked God my sister had married a spud man....more pl...

Ooooh Spanx me !

Marriage brings with it,every year a new comfort level with your partner...whether he likes it or not. Those intimate little activities which were on a " need to know" basis before you married, are now carried out in full view of your poor husband. GASP has seen many things in the last 9 years, that I am sure he wished he hadn't,as some of my mystery is now on full view to him, included in which is the "Bridget Jones" knicker collection. Prior to marriage, he was under the impression that my underwear drawer consisted of wispy little fancy smalls. He was blissfully unaware that in the countdown to our wedding day, I purchased about 17 different pairs of BJ's to ensure absoultely no VPL in my slinky wedding dress ( I was 2 stone lighter so slinky was the order of the day) Over the last few years he has seen the BJ's emerge from the wardrobe, usually flung over my shoulder as I hunt down the required underwear for the various outfits I have worn. I took ...