Foxy Fulfillment

Ah there's nothing like an experienced man ! As we gathered, like a flock of hens, around the Silver Fox , he gently advised us to take it "Nice and Easy" . " "Nice and Easy" he said again capturing us under his spell. He warmed us up slowly and expertly, until we were mere chicken tenders in his hands. Because of this, none of us thought to ask him what exactly he expected of us this evening, so we got to clucking between ourselves, heads bobbing and ducking as we wondered would it be a 10, 5, 10...would he go 12 and 12 ,or go the whole way to 22 without stopping....ooooh the fear of the unknown! Shortly after the whistle blew the wily old Silver Fox told us we were on a 15 minute run....oh boy ! His positive encouragement and occasional " well done, you are doing great" were the key to our managing our longest run to date. Bewitched by him, we took off for the following 5 minute run with smiles on our faces, but you should never trust a fox ! A further 5 minute run came 1 minute later, but for him we will do anything. Dusky Digger added encouraging countdowns on the way round, easing us to our total 5.6 km in a 37 minute session. The Silver Fox was delighted , the hens cackled with delight and a successful evening was had by all.
Oh, but hold on bitches !!! What is this new nightly increase with those running on grass. I spend 7 solid weeks wearing a track in the grass in the Fair Green, dodging dog poo, swallowing flies up by the trees and, like a human steam roller, flattening a perfect circuit, only for you lot to suddenly decide this grass running is a good idea and take up my path. I would like some recognition for my preparation of your route...perhaps a wee sign with "Bigfoodiemama's Bridleway" , or an Ardee Walk of Fame Star ??? as someone who has paved the way for so many athletes's worth considering !


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