Sweet treats

The MMM's have had an eventful week. On our various runs this week, we chattered away as usual, recounting how our week was going and catching up on last weekends activities. Due to the nature of the conversations, I will have to keep the narrators anonymous, and I also wish to avoid any legal procedures ! One MMM had spent the weekend with a blow up male doll...now how she established he was male was very interesting, as the rubber article had no willy ! I enquired as to how she was so sure it was male, but she advised me that "he" had a moustache, hence her confidence in his gender. She recalled the sweat she got into trying to "pump him up", dressing him up, sleeping with him, and then deciding to actually stick a small plastic appendage to him for the full effect...I kid you not...this is the actual story she told us, while we were bent over double in the Fair Green clutching our pelvic floors.
Two members of the group were very concerned that GG himself failed to show up the night following the banana and coconut blog, choosing to send a female trainer in instead. They ( quite mistakenly)thought that he might have taken offence or been embarrassed, but he soon put that idea of their heads when he showed up at training this week bearing a wee gift for yours truly....oh yes, our mutual love affair continues....he has shown me his coconuts and banana and I was very satisfied !
The Krill Oil addiction is well and truly alive in the group, one MMM nearly going across the counter in a local Pharmacy, in her efforts to secure a pack, when the shelf was empty, and insisting on having the male attendant suspended by his shirt into the window to secure a pack from the window display. I did have to point out to her and a couple of other members that taking Krill Oil is not like mainlining heroin, in that the "hit" takes a wee while, and although it will most likely decrease your chances of being arrested for killing your partner, it may not completely remove the urge. Sales of Krill Oil have shot up locally and I really feel at this stage that my blog should be sponsored by the local chemist.
Plans are afoot for the MMM's and the Mad One to head to Marie the Moochers house on Wednesday evening. The Moocher is " providing the entertainment" and the rest of us insisted on supplying the food. On the list was Lasagne, Salad, Garlic Bread, Bannoffi Pie and Fresh Fruit Salad, but then the MMM's thought it might be an idea for a couple of them to skip the food and bring a bottle of Hendricks, some Fever Tree tonic and a cucumber....I will keep you posted !


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