Rear Refurbishment

I have a seat needs some attention. The upholstery is faded, saggy and loose and the stuffing, which ,at some point, I am sure was firm and supportive is now a bit skimpy, lacking and quite hard to sit on. With refurbishment in mind, GASP approached it first...well I thought it only fair before I farmed it out. He drove his elbow into it in an effort to loosen up the stuffing but to little lasting effect. He suggested turning over and approaching from a different angle, but he was only getting excited. Marcus Aurelius , happily stuck 4 inch needles in it, which I quite enjoyed to be honest, but I was still not completely satisfied. I thought about Rapid Ronan with a view to his slightly sadistic approach of putting it on a static bicycle and going hell for leather until the bulk improved, but reckoned it might actually kill me. Alot of women swear by him though. Then I happened across a wee ad on Facebook from none other than my all time favourite man for the job...yes , you guessed it GG.... Gentle Gary . He is making promises which appealed to me greatly citing his new venture "will have a large military feel to it due to 3 of the G-MAC crew been soldiers" Mother of God....all my fantasies come true ...and multiplied by 3 ! The thought of GG in a GMAC fitness tight t shirt, tucked into combat trousers with laced up heavy duty boots, has already got my buttock clenching ! He's calling it "Hell Week" which may give some indication of torture and shouting, sweat and tears but I can only see a vision of him in front of me ....military style. If anything can put the stuffing back into my sorry saggy butt, it'll be a week of GG ! My rear is ready for a refurb.......


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