The lengthiest Lent EVER !

So a few days before Lent began, we all came down with the bug known as the " 40 day cough" with symptoms of tiredness, shivers and a hacking cough. I entered an involuntary period of abstinence as I had had absolutely no interest in my BFF's Merlot and Montepulciano. Valentines Day and Pancake Tuesday fell on the same day, early in my recovery, so without consciously considering it, I realised I had given up alcohol for Lent. Facebook had bitten the dust in January, my own " Frexit" and I was enjoying the extra hours in my day, but was unsure how the whole Lent thing would play out teetotal.Turns out this was not really the best Lent to give up the booze....or was it ? Day 2 and my mother in law got admitted to hospital VERY unwell. This in itself would not lead to anyone drinking but might be a reason to imbibe when one is in regular close contact with ones in laws. Luckily, this is not the case with my in laws, so I managed to stay sober throughout her near death and then miracle recovery...a reason to celebrate ...only with a Miwadi ! As you know I then attended the funeral of a much loved family friend, a time the Irish feel the need to toast the departed, " celebrate" their life and drown their sorrows...not I. Lyons, Barry's and I spent alot of time together and on I went deeper and deeper into the driest Lent on record. As week 5 of Lent arrived and my wine collection was actually collecting ( as I had not been drinking it!) Fat Freddie decided AGAIN to nearly bite the dust. With 9 days to go, I was the one who had to dial 999 and have him carted off to the nearest hospital. Sitting outside a Resus room really makes you want a drink, but I gratefully accepted a cup of tea and waited patiently, to be advised he was likely AGAIN to make it...yet another reason to have one ! Yesterday, Good Friday I collected him post pneumonia/sepsis and brought him home...the relief was huge. Mother in law was home and alive, Fat Freddie was at home and alive and I was finally back at home and alive...time for a .....nother cup of f***in tea !
As I sit here now it is Easter Saturday. In the house are my friends Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay and Prosecco and my BFF's Merlot and Montepulciano. 4 exquisite Gin's peer out at me very time I gt a dinner plate and an aged bottle of Jameson watches on. So tonight I wonder what will happen tomorrow...GASP is more than a stone lighter having broken up with his one true love " Cadbury" and I am actually half a stone lighter....I have a sense that says more about the last 40 days and nights than my abstinence ! Will I slide back to my odd little tipple, will I keep on going, now that everything has calmed down or will I become the Monday to Friday ( Sunday midnight to Friday 5.00 pm) teetotaller ?????? Apparently it's all up to me .....


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