A cool affair

Life has returned to relative normality after the Holy Communion and Confirmation, which were just lovely.They went off without a hitch and I was so proud of my two boys and a little emotional, as it seems like yesterday we had them christened. The week before the confirmation I managed to come down with a clatter of cold sores, a mouthful of mouth ulcers, sore ears and throat and a sinus infection....yeah...a bot rough ! It took herculean efforts to conceal said cold sores on the day of the confirmation but primer, foundation, concealer, more primer, concealer and loose powder did the trick. The Burmese Scot joined us for the weekend which was great, especially as she arrived bearing a bottle of Edinburgh Rhubarb and Ginger Gin.......divine !Her arrival led to my first suspicion that GASP was in fact having an affair. We had been away for a week in between the two big events ( yes I know...madness....but great!) and when I asked the " I always want to stay at home" GASP if he would come again to the lovely little Spanish resort, he uttered the fateful words" Yes, but just you and I next time" !!!***$$$ Mother of God ! I was stunned but thought maybe the sun had got to him and thought no more of it.
While the Burmese Scot was in town, he wanted to go to a GAA game at a pitch about 10 minutes away. "How about I bring the boys to the game and drop you and the Scot off at Tankardstown House ( posh and fab!) for a few drinks....we can collect you on the way back" he said....WTF ??? He duly dropped us at the beautiful country house and we sat outside and drank very exotic Gins ( they have 63 different brands !!) in the landscaped garden feeling like princesses. I was now VERY suspicious but last night the last nail went into the coffin. I had texted him yesterday asking him to take a look to see which weeks he could have holidays this summer. This single item has been most contentious discussion point in our 19 years together as he struggles to take holidays, plan holidays or consider that the world will keep turning should he stop working for a week.
He arrived home last night with an envelope and a list of potential weeks written on it !!! He is TOTALLY having an affair. I have absolutely no reason to give out to him, complain or nag...what on Earth is going on ?? My only thought is that he is having his end away in the local town and does not want to rock the boat at home...the dirty devil ! Meanwhile, I am continuing my affair with two men who are, quite frankly, satisfying my every need at the moment . Smooth, cool and sinful, they are in my thoughts every day at present. I look forward to the point in the evening when my hot tongue touches their cool smoothness...there is nothing like a B&J ..so GASP, you work away...I have Ben and Jerry !


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