Out of the mouths of babes.
Son aged five sat behind me in the car this afternoon teaching his cousin aged four a Westlife song. " 5 foot 10, cat suit and Bambi eyes " he sang repeatedly while his cousin looked on in admiration. After a few minutes of this, I turned on the radio for a change of tune, just as the line " I really like your peaches, wanna shake your tree" was sung. The five year old burst out laughing exclaiming "shake your tree....How do you shake someones tree Mammy ?" I suggested it was a nice thing to do to someone and left it at that !
Later in the day the cousin asked if I had finally bought playdough.." oh no, I forgot" I exaggeratedly replied thinking over my dead body was playdough coming out. Hearing this he replied " you also forgot to buy new sand for the sand pit....you're not the best are you !" What hope have the women of the future got with these two on the loose later in life?
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