Saturday Night In Part 2

OK the scene was set. So we hadn't managed to attend the wedding Saturday night,missing out on the opportunity for me to dress up to the nines in the new underwear to wow GASP, but I had a back up plan. Under duress,GASP had agreed to take today off for us to go Christmas shopping. We decided to shop local, so the plan was shopping in Drogheda, Smyths/TK Maxx/Heatons/Marks and Spencers etc. before a romantic lunch in the Eastern Sea Board and then on to Duffys Toyworld in the afternoon. While we were away, the Carpet Man was going to return the carpets to their previous glory so a good day all round. This is how it went...... I got dressed having donned the new underwear, we went shopping, we had lunch and then it was bed time !Calm down's not what you think. I had ( as they said in the old days) "caught a chill", which meant that as soon as we arrived in Smyths I had to go the loo, then again 10 minutes later, then again before we left. I then went to the loo beside Heatons, in Costa Coffee and Homebase before I had to give up the mission.Instead of heading to the Eastern Seaboard, we headed home, with a stop for a chemist and a loo on the way. The kitchen had all the sitting room furniture in it to facilitate the carpet cleaning so was like an obstacle course. I felt lousy so GASP headed to the local chipper and got us both a burger and chip , which we ate on the settee in the kitchen, in front of Everybody Loves Raymond, on the little TV in the corner.It was a Christmas episode and I did light a candle so we had a giggle. I stripped off and climbed into bed feeling like death and sent GASP off to do some fencing( of the agricultural type ) with Uncle Teetotal. Romantic hey !GASP is aware that I am still due a date, dinner and the rest ( remember the underwear !) so fingers crossed we might make it before the year is out !


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