The Things you do for Love !

Roseanne is petite, pretty with long chesnut hair and I invited her into my marital bed !She shares the bed with my husband and I. GASP wasn't keen initially but can, definitely, now see the benefits. I am certainly feeling the benefits. No more tugging and pulling and squealing.....she takes it all without making a sound so I can sleep away while it is going on. The relief to me is immense and I am alot less tired.I never thought there would be anyone except GASP and I ,in our bed but needs must, so Roseanne has joined us.
Roseanne is 35cm tall, cost less than a tenner and is a godsend. You see, youngest son has an addiction.....pulling, stroking and holding on to my hair. If he is on my hip he is holding a clump of hair like it's a safety handle. In the morning, when he wakes ( beside us in bed....yes I know !) he spends about half an hour wooling the head off me, causing me alot of discomfort and meaning I arise looking like a Troll. Today, I bought Roseanne. As I type, she is lying beside him and his hand is nestling in her hair while he sleeps. This to me is a major victory, but eldest son is absolutely disgusted.His major concern was the "the man in the shop" would think he was a girl because I bought a doll ! Apparently it wouldn't be so bad if her top was any colour other than pink so I will have to get a newborn boys top to ease his male discomfort with this latest development.....trying to keep men never ends !


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