Fun, Flying and Friends

The adorable Jackhammer Jones phoned some weeks ago, to ask if GASP and I would attend his 50th birthday. I was honoured and privileged that he phoned ( I thought someone had died!) and immediately said yes, dizzy with the excitement of meeting up with my other family, in my other home of Oswestry, in Shropshire. That evening I mentioned it to GASP, who said he'd like to come along ! Those of you who know GASP, know that this was a monumental development as he is happiest at home, stroking his bullocks, reading the Journal. I was thrilled, as the mere thought of 36 hours in my husbands company had me excited...not bad in our 13th year of marriage ! Now, those who might be more sceptical, might suggest his enthusiasm to come with me, might have more to do with the fact that Jackhammer Jones is a handsome, single 50 year old...ya see where I'm goin' ???
Rumour had always been rife that Jackhammer and I had some romantic connection...(actually completely untrue ! ) but worth having in the background if it gets my hubby twitching :)
GASP immediately saw the value of travelling with his wife, when we boarded our Ryanair flight on a Saturday lunchtime. It appears that the Saturday lunchtime Liverpool flight is Skanger class....I have never seen so much teased highlighted hair, false eyelashes, fake tan, razor sharp nails and mini skirts in one place. As we took our seats by the window and GASP in the middle seat, one such Skanger in a black mini skirt hooched her ample bum into the seat, beside my impressionable hubby, and crossed her thigh high leather clad legs. Well, GASP was like a dog with two willies ! As the flight continued, we listened to her 3 pals behind us, in massive Dublin accents discussing some pleather jacket on Moore Street, "half de fookin proyus of de wan in River Oyland". On arrival in Liverpool, GASP, the perfect gent, assisted in taking down their leopard skin luggage from the overhead containers, and this caused such excitement among the Skangers that one of them felt the need to ask " Hey Mista, will ya boy me de jacka, will ya ???" GASP just raised an eyebrow in my direction and smiled in the Skangers direction...the pup !
Jackhammers 50th was a great night. All my other family were there, Welsh Mum and Dad and the Jolly Jones', The Former Rugby President and First Lady, The Scot, Sarah Sauvignon, Tommy the Bridge and Active Ali, Councillor Charmley and Nutty Nat, Captivating Cath, Passionate Pol and Dancin' Dave, Obliging Owen, The Mad Morrises, Amorous Arwel and Easygoing Ed. A Champagne reception, unending flow of wine and 5 course meal spoiled us totally and it felt just like the old days, in the company of old, great friends who always pick up just where we left off. Thank you !
The following day, after a long delicious Italian Lunch in Lepones with Le Tony (GASP) , Passionate Pol, Dancin' Dave and The Scot we headed back to LPL airport, happy, full and a bit tired. Yet again GASP enjoyed the flight as this time our travel companion in her skinny jeans did him the honour of dropping something on the floor, before leaning over to display her cerise pink thong clad builders much for the no frills airline !!!! GASP is looking forward to becoming a frequent flyer !!!!


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