Roles and Resolutions

2015...what a year. In this, my 45th year on the planet, I played many roles. As well as my usual roles of mother, wife, daughter and blogger I was also a victim, a patient, a runner, a model and a judge. This year saw me at my most stressed ever, my sickest ever ( yes, of course they are connected), my fittest ever and my most philosophical. What did I learn ? I learned that I am not indestructible, I care a bit too much about what others think of me , that your real friends come to the fore in a crisis, that your family are all it comes down to when the s**t hits the fan, that your health is priceless and that I am very lucky. I am rich beyond money, wealthy beyond precious jewels and that I should be grateful on so many fronts. This year we started a little ritual at our kitchen table, at dinner each evening of each , in turn, saying what we are grateful for. It is a little but important part of our day now and even on the hardest days, it is great to find something positive to end your day on.
GASP, God Bless Him, is still with me, 17 years on from the evening we met in a local hostelry . He proved his worth over and over again through 2015 and his solid, steady presence is the thing I am most grateful for. Needless to say he has his moments, when I threaten to stab him with a bread knife, this is common in marriage and a sign that the passion is still alive. My peri menopausal state means he is quite unsure, every evening, what he is coming home to, but thanks to vast quantities of Krill Oil, my hormonal schizophrenia has diminished, as is evident by the fact that he is still alive.
This year, aged 45 I made new friends, and those ladies who run around the Fair Green with me, I hold very dear, as we have been through the Couch to 5K together and share a mutual complete astonishment at having achieved our goal. Gentle Gary made a big impression on me, as I am confident I did on him,and he will always have a special place in my underwear...sorry, I meant heart !
The Scot came to stay for Christmas, and profusely thanked me for having her as a guest, but in truth, she made my Christmas. The presence of another female in my male dominated world made me enjoy this Christmas more than ever and I am very grateful to her for choosing us.
Writing has been fun and cathartic. My blog, thanks to Facebook and the C25K ladies, reached numbers I had never even dreamed of. My Caped Crusader Blog revealed my hidden identity for the first time, but only brought forward positive things.

This brings me to my NYR's ( New Year Resolutions)
1. I will write a blog at least once every week for 2016...on condition you share it for me ( I promise to be as irreverent and rude and bold as ever!).
2. I will run 10k in the Women's Mini Marathon in June ( Gulp!)
3. I will not check Facebook, any day, until my children have gone to bed.
4. I will have a "committee free year" CFY for the first time in about 25 years.

I look forward to a 2016 which will hopefully see a 30th , 45th and 75th in my family, a visit home from New Zealand of my sister and her new family , a continuation of the many good things which happened in 2015 and the self awareness to prevent the bad things happening again.
I wish you, your family and friends a Happy New Year....who knows what it will bring !


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