The Hour of Temptation

My Lenten avoidance of Liquor has been going very well but twice now I have had an acute desire for a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. The interesting thing is that these two incidents ,occurred exactly one week the hour ! According to the deep longing in me, I have a craving for wine at 6.00 every Sunday evening ! I expected the urge to be there when I was out with the girls the other night or on St. Patricks Day, or even around 8.00 on a Friday but no, my hour of temptation is at tea time on the day of rest. Why ? Is it to numb the impending Monday feeling ? Is it due to some built in hormonal clock ? No, I have realised it can be put down to sport....yes Sport ! On Sundays, quite regularly, GASP goes to a place I call GASPland. In this land he is single, childless and about 26 years old. In this land, when we visit his Mum after mass, he sits at the end of her table and reads the Pat Spillane column in the trashy newspaper, she gets, so that he does not need to. He lifts his head only when finished, oblivious to the fact that the two boys have been running riot while I try to converse with MIL. He rises and declares "I'm waiting for you" as soon as I suggest that we should be heading home. After lunch ( I do a roast dinner about 50 of the 52 Sundays in the year !) he sits at the end of the kitchen table nearest the radio and tunes in to LMFM for the GAA, while reading the sports section of the Irish Independent. Again during this time he is immune to all shrieks, yells and cries for help ( from me !) As 6.00 approaches I am aware that the Sunday Game will start on the TV at 8.00 until 9.00 , just as both children go to bed. This is the point at which I NEED a glass of wine....or three.There is no female version of GASPland, but a little helping of Sauvignon Blanc can create a virtual version.........I can't wait for Easter Sunday, when I am off to bigfoodiemamaland !


  1. Woohoo I'm gona be there too!! Yippee skippy I can't wait-Bigfoodiemamaland here I come!! Oh I can taste the bacon cabbage & spuds chopped up with parsley sauce & 1/2 pound of kerrygold, rewarmed in the microwave for a minute as it took so long to prepare it went cold!!! mmmmmmmmmm!!


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