Betty Crocker and the Leprechaun !

So last night I had the pleasure of a night out in Newly Single's house with the FA, the Queen of Baking and the Blonde. Newly Single is now in fact one year single, so I may have to consider renaming her. She provided the curry, and myself and the Queen provided dessert, mine being glorious Trifle and hers Chocolate Buns decorated with green icing spelling out Happy St. Patricks Day !....brilliant. The truly astounding thing about them, apart from the fact that they tasted divine, was that credit for the sponge was given to none other than Betty Crocker !!!!I managed to keep to my Lenten promise and stuck to sparkling water, as did the FA but the other 3did their damndest to drink on our behalf, leading to a point when the blonde tried to pour a bottle of wine with the screw top still on. The conversation avoided all truly important issues and dealt mainly with the trivial, entertaining and downright rude....just for a change. Much mirth was gleaned from the Queen recounting a story of how, as students ,she and Newly Single had gone to an adventure centre. The Queen fell off the monkey bars due her impossibly large bulk at the time, and was carted off to hospital in the back of a van amongst 12 surf boards . While she was being attended to ,Newly Single , like the true friend she is ,raided the poor girls tuck box !The location for the FA's birthday celebrations in September moved from London to Lisbon and to Antrim during the course of the evening. If the recession gets any worse it'll be a bag of chips in the Valley cafe with a bottle of TK Lemonade !
The parade in Ardee today contained the usual suspects, ie. Ford Cortinas, Tractors, Garden Sheds and some marching bands. For a bit of a change though, 266 Leprechauns marched in the parade to break a world record, among which was the Mad One, the Spud Farmer and their brood of 5. I watched along with a couple of the seven dwarfs and their children and we all had a ball. I managed not to partake of the evil drink on this day of Religious dispensation, but have got a large bar of Fruit and Nut in the fridge. The kettle and the pyjamas are on and as ,so also, is the football, I am happy that I will be completely uninterrupted in my chocolate consumption...... and my "window" will remain closed !


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