Samlor Korko

No, I have not lost all reason, but yes , this weekend I cooked the Cambodian National Dish, Samlor Korko. You see, the Mad One had sent me a text some days ago, boasting about teh fact that she ahd just served Samlor Korko to the Spud farmer, and that he had been so delighted by it, he remained silent throughout it's consumption. Not to be outdone, I asked her for the recipe which I received from her on Saturday morning, having already picked up the pork fillet, aubergine and butternut squash I remembered from our previous conversation. She handed me the recipe and there were 24 ingredients ! Before you could start, you had to make a "Kroeung" a curry paste, involving Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, shallots, green chili, lime zest and Fish Paste...ah yes the Fish paste. I advised the Mad One, that I would go buy it but she had a full jar, so offerred me the two teaspoons required. She insisted however, that I smell the Fish Paste....OMG ! I was flooded by that early pregnancy feeling of " I think I am going to be sick, but if I breathe for a few minutes I might get by". ( NO,I AM NOT PREGNANT) It was a truly revolting smell, which stayed with me all the way home. The Mad One did tell me that the curry paste would smell bad, but would change on cooking. I bought all the ingredients required and set to making the paste Saturday evening. The smell was not good so I stored it in a Kilner jar to prevent the whole fridge being affected. Yesterday morning, when GASP went off to mass, I started frying off the paste before adding coconut milk, lime leaves, a selection of vegetable , fish sauce, pineapple and the very finely sliced pork fillet. Eldest son had gone very quiet and Ifound him, under a duvet in his bedroom, trying to avoid the smell ! So, after all that effort, I was the only one prepared to try it....the rewards were great. It was really beautiful, fragrant, delicate with a mild heat. I had it again for lunch today....yum ! If you want to undetake this very simple, yet complex dish, you will need to buy Rick Steins book Far Eastern Oddyssey,as googling won't deliver it..........enjoy !


  1. i had a vegetarian version of this dish during a Silent Meditation Retreat.(I didn't have to smell it when it was prepared) and LOVED it! are you SURE that the recipe is unavailable anywhere on the net?
    you are an intrepid cook, for sure. But I wanna try to make this dish, too!


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