A Caribbean Type Crisis

Cantering Clare and MILF Mullarkey are currently attending Gentle Gary's 8 week fitness and weight loss programme and are positively effusive in their praise of it. Now both girls are aware of the " special" relationship GG and I have so I was somewhat surprised at their need to rub my nose in it, while saying that, the previous night, Gentle Gary had displayed his tight bottom to them on numerous occasions while demonstrating a particular movement to them...something to do with a bear apparently. Oh yes, exclaimed MILF, about 12 times he showed us, with a smug satisfied grin on her face. I am not afraid to admit I was indeed jealous and hoped that any further details would be kept to themselves. Alas no ! Cantering Clare felt the need yesterday morning to tell me at our post Park Run breakfast , that this week GG had exposed his banana and coconuts to them ! The bloody cheek of it. They seem to have some kind of special code, only GMAC participants are allowed use, so further details were not revealed to me, but you can understand how put out I was. If Gentle Gary is to expose parts of himself in such a public way the least he could do is show me first. He commented on my magnificent ( NOT!) Park Run photo yesterday with a
" You Go Girl". Well GG , my response to you is " You stop right now !" . I will never look at a Penis Colada in the same way again ...sniff !


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