Mayhem, Menopause and Melancholy

What a week !In relation to resolutions, a small modification had to be made, in that the decision not to check Facebook until the children went to bed, led to 2 very bad nights sleep due to my late evening screen time. Resolution modified to only checking FB when I am not with the children and this has proved a suitable compromise. As this document is proof that I am sticking to my weekly blog resolution, that only leaves my journey to 10k to discuss. To make a long week short, basically Chicken Rooney's 14 seater minibus has been booked to take the Modified Marathon Mary's ( MMM -not to be confused with the Medical Missionaries of Mary !) to the Mini Marathon...the MMMMM !
Runs of 2.2 and 2.4K were blown out of the water this morning with a 4k around the town with 2 new members in tow Transformation Teresa and Smiling Sharon. The presence of Kamikaze Kerr is the reason a planned 3 k around the park turned into a 4k road run after a warm up walk. This was particularly impressive for me, based on the fact I had spent the night before in the company of The Mad One, The Spud Farmer, The Ambassadrice and Liffey Louis consuming large quantities of Cab Sav in BMM's house. The head was a bit delicate but I have now found another advantage of does wonders for a hangover ! During our Sunday morning Coffee in Sizzlers , we planned our road to the MMMMM, and this consisted of Park Runs, a weekly schedule and some heavy commitment until the Original Marathon Mary's took to the Fair Green again on February 29th ( details below). At that point we were going to be reliant on The Silver Fox, Macho Malone, Little Big Horn, Feline Foggy Dusky Digger and hopefully Gentle Gary to take us from 5-10k. Truthfully I have wanted Gentle Gary to take me a few other places too !
Discussions took place about Hell and Back, Tough Mudder, The Operation Transformation 5k, the Cooley Coastal Run but quickly moved back to that all time favourite female topic " What will we wear ???" This then led on to the same question in relation to this weeks local BAFTA's taking place this Saturday night and there was talk of sequins, slits, undergarments and all manner of pretty things, unlike how we looked this morning post run !
But enough of all this running....what about the rest of my incredibly exciting life. This week, the boys and I will decamp to BMM's house as tiling and wooden floor laying takes place in our house. The "temporary" lino and carpet, which were laid 13 years ago are up, the family heirloom piano has found a new lovely home ( sniff!) and my kitchen, utility and hallway are back to grey concrete. GASP is in his element, pulling up flooring and moving everything out of the way, whereas I am hormonal, emotional, irrational and in a state of total overreaction to the disintegration of my " just sorted after Christmas" home. I can't find anything as GASP thought it a great idea to carry out part of this stripping of my home, while I was in the Chinese on Friday night....husbands....not a good idea. Wives , or The Minister for Internal Affairs, as I like to refer to myself as, don't really like to go out from a lovely clean, tidy familiar house and return to a construction site, where she can find nothing. I , yes irrationally, nearly lost it so lucky GASP was snoring at this point and I reasoned with myself in bed and put my temporary insanity one more time down to the joy of peri menopause. Yes, he is still alive and agreed to, in future,consult with the schizophrenic who lives in the house before any future similar acts.
On the bright side, the man coming to lay the floor is VERY cute ! Although I will spend the week apart from GASP as he supervises the work ,strokes his bullocks and enjoys full control of the Sky remote, here's hoping the floor isn't the only thing that gets laid this week !

Marathon Mary's News !!

St Marys bootcamp commences next Monday 11th January @7pm sharp.
An hour of blood, sweat and a few tears with The Silver Fox and Little Big Horn as your hosts. Monday & Wednesday 7-8pm, €5 each night, bring a friend!This leap year we will have you leaping to the fairgreen for the start of St Marys c25k. February 29th. Bring your friends, your mother in law and your neighbours!!

As opposed to the frivolity and lightweight content of my blog. please take a minute to read my friend the FA's blog as she spends a month in Greece assisting the refuges coming in every day by boat after a treacherous journey....puts everything in perspective and I applaud her for her selfless act.


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