Back at it
It's amazing how quickly a week passes, when you have committed to doing something once every week as a New Year's Resolution ! This is blog no. 1 of the 52 I have promised in 2016. As weeks go, it has been a good one especially as it featured a return to running after 3 weeks of coughing and spluttering. Due to the festive season , similar illnesses , hangovers and a dose of "couldn't be arsed" none of my Marathon Mary pals had been running either, which made me feel slightly less of a failure. On New Year's Day at 11.00 we met, in the Fair Green, new Day-Glo running gear and bobble hats on show and our tongues were working at full pelt as we warmed up with a few walking laps. Needless to say the conversation decreased rapidly as the actual running commenced and 2 km was the height of our ability, more from our wheezing chests than aching limbs. Although not quite our usual performance, we were, nevertheless, delighted that our new running year had started. Conversation quickly turned to the fact that I had committed by blog to running the Women's Mini Marathon in June. A group decision was made, quickly and energetically to commit as a group, book Chicken Rooney's minibus to take us, invite a friend each to make up the 14 seats, and consider dressing as "Nuns on the Run". This led to the discussion of which local hostelry would host the post 10k drinks and what type of food we would a theme here ? Every physical endeavour is rewarded unanimously by food and drink, hence our flourishing relationship.
Cantering Claire suggested, that due to the body heat created during such an adventure, we would, in fact, need the nuns to go commando,but I for one thought this spectacularly risky in front of thousands and the possibility of falling over in front of an RTE camera. We therefore decided, that by June, we would be hot pants ready and they would be donned under our this holy space !
Last night we made it out again and 2.2 km was the order of the day, the conversation this time being around the fact we needed to follow a 0 - 10k running plan. Luckily enough, who should glide past us at speed at this point, only Feline Foggy, who happily stopped to chat and we quickly asked if St. Mary's were intending to hold the 5k improver course they had promised, as we really needed someone to shout at us, humiliate us and drive us to our 10k target ( well this is what I said, but truthfully I just wanted Gentle Gary back in my life!) He seemed to think it was a runner( geddit ?) and glided off into the distance like the real runner he is. Lots and lots of people were out running. The New Year has it's effect, the mere mention of Operation Transformation, the terror of the post Christmas scales and the need to wear the new gear you got in the sales.
Trotting Tracey and I got very excited about our trip to Homestore and More the day before, as women of our age are inclined to, the thought of soup containers and packs of loaf tin liners giving me palpitations. The great advantage of aging is that , with every passing year, you find greater excitement in the smaller events in life. GASP and I had actually bought two new high stools for the kitchen island, but remembering a very difficult week after GASP put together the boys bike last year, I stayed completely silent about his DIY skills, so as not to have to carry out any of my own special skills.....
The week ahead will hopefully see a 3k run completed, a programme for reaching our 10k target adopted, the fridge will finally have been cleared of any foodstuffs related to Christmas and the annual girlie post Christmas party in the China Garden will have taken place and will provide fodder for next weeks edition.
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