Bitterly Abused

So the lovely messages started arriving after my hosting of the, post BFM run, lunch on Sunday. Some lovely photos of the KOK's were shared as were photos of the food...we love our food ! My lemon cake went down a treat as always...I am somewhat renowned for it, but I did admit to the girlies that time had been short, so I had used a Betty Crocker lemon icing on my home made Delia Smith All in One cake mixture. I gave due praise to my youngest son for cracking the eggs and placing the mini eggs so perfectly on top and was rightly smug about my efforts for the KOK's first visit. What a lovely day and such lovely messages.....until ! Flyer Maguire had missed lunch as her little munchkin was due to have her tonsils out, so Flyer took her to the zoo ahead of her stressful event. On arriving home that evening, Flyer took to messenger to catch up on all the days activities and happened to say she would have loved a bit of cake...well she tried to but damn autocorrect called it "fake". Swivelling Sharon was quick as a flash ( just for change ! ) and felt the need to advise Flyer that Fake was a great word to have used as Betty Crocker had made the cake !!!! I nearly popped a gasket ! The cheeky bitch ! I very quickly advised the KOK's that only the icing as Betty Crockers but I was too late...Swivelling was on a roll...she very quickly decided that from now on I should be referred to as BBC "bigfoodiemama betty crocker." I was wounded to my very core. The "foodie" in bigfoodiemama was horrified that anyone should think I would use a cake mix and to broadcast it so publicly.....callous, uncaring cow ! I wondered how I would get revenge, I threatened to reveal her deepest secrets, but decided instead to make an effigy of Swivelling Shaz and stuck my cake testing skewers into it's mid section before putting it in the fridge to chill. The following night the SS joined Transformation Tracey and Kamakaze Kerr for the first night of Palpitation Piaras' 12 week total body transformation programme. We all waited patiently for reports and I asked them for a few words to describe the experience. TT and KK used words like exciting and different and mentioned straps ???? Swivelling Shaz remained quiet for some time until pushed by the others to contribute. She used these words...Cold ,Scary and Sore work is done ...revenge is sweet.... zesty lemony and sweet......but I'm not bitter.......


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