What a difference a year makes ! ( A little Easter lesson ......or 12)

One year ago on Easter Saturday I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia and I was septic......NOT funny ! At exactly this time I was heading to Doc On Call and was assessed by a very hot young doctor, who I thought was a bit thick when he suggested I go to the Emergency Department. Turns out he wasn't that thick...lesson 1. Never judge a book by it's cover...and there's nothing like a hot doctor ! ( No, PH I am not referring to you !)
The following 8 weeks of recovery made me realise, that in the scheme of things, all that matters is health, family and love.Lesson 2.
Lesson 3. No one is so important that the world will stop if they climb off for a while...not even Barrack Obama....boy I wish I had been the one he tangoed with ...
I decided ,during my recuperation, that the time had come to devote more attention to myself, the person I was inclined to ignore in the midst of helping everyone else out and making sure everything got done, and to my absolute horror and amazement, no one noticed, everyone was just fine and everything got done ???? i.e.Lesson 4.
I took stock of all I was involved in, part of and contributed to and dropped the lot ! I declared a CFY ..committee free year and decided that my biggest and only project for the year would be myself. Lesson 5 . EVERYONE should have a CFY.
I decided not just to get better, but to get better and fitter than I had ever been and joined a Couch to 5k in the local town. A monumental decision as it turns out. Here I learned alot of lessons... Lesson 5. Exercise is not just for your body but for your head, Lesson 6. Making new friends is a wonderful thing at 45 years of age, Lesson 7. Laughter is fabulous, infectious and a cure for most things , Lesson 8. I can do anything I set my mind to and Lesson 9. The best thing about running is not actually the tea and buns afterwards with your pals ( which I love) but the total sense of achievement, wellbeing and headspace it gives you.
Lesson 10. KRILL OIL is bloody marvelous stuff. I suggested to someone the other day that it was marriage saving in it's abilities to calm peri-menopausal irritability...she promptly asked if it worked regardless of who you were married to ??
One year later as I sit here in my kitchen, I am still quilty of thinking nothing can happen without me, but at least on my CFY there are alot less things for me to be concerned about. I am training for my first 10K and it is hard ! Those aches and pains remind me I am alive though and that I am still only a human, with all that comes with it at my age . As I start a weeks holidays with my two boys, I may have been guilty yet again of frantically racing to a holiday so that I am in dire need of it and exhausted by the time I start the break, as opposed to slowly winding down towards it. Having totally and successfully given up Facebook for Lent, I have missed bugger all, have had alot more time to myself in the evenings and am far less likely to be on my phone.
Final lessons.....11. Nothing tastes as good and naughty as 12 mini eggs on Good Friday....12. You can never get enough KOK !


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