Oh God it's real !
In exactly 2 hours and 40 minutes, I will take on the biggest physical challenge of my 45 years on Earth...the " challenging " Boyne 10k. What in January was a whimsical thought and a wee plan for 2016, is now a very real personal goal, which I want to achieve TODAY ! Stop thinking about Rathmullen Hill. I am bricking it ! The KOK's have been on messenger all morning with inspirational and hilarious messages for each other, most of them having not slept with nerves, whereas I, thank God slept very soundly thanks to the antihistamine I took to alleviate my ever present sinusitis, so that I can clearly breath in the cool May day air today, as I travel along a very familiar yet somewhat scary route. I am writing this blog to try to calm me down and coming up with mental strategies for the day. Stop thinking about Rathmullen Hill.
I have packed Jaffa cakes, bananas, water, a pair of flip flops for my poor feet later, a change of clothes so that my sweat laden leggings don't slide me off my leather car seat. I am running naked today, no phone, no annoying woman telling me what km I am on and how fast I am going, but may change my mind as it's always handy to have a phone when alone among 8 other KOK's, 2000 other runners, the St. John's ambulance, half the population of the town and a myriad of supporters...oh God what to do....Stop thinking about Rathmullen Hill !
I ate an isotonic strawberry chewable chalky sweet this morning, to test run it for later, but the fact that I was dry retching 10 minutes later tells me they are not for me, or I am pregnant.....oh God ! Pregnant running Rathmullen hill......cop yourself on....your strict pre race regime would make that a truly immaculate conception and they don't happen that often ! That sweet is basically a bad idea....stick to jelly babies...head or legs first...will it matter...on Rathmullen Hill....jelly legs...oh God !
I need a focus, a point to think of ahead of tonight's dinner in Nosh and celebrations.......GG !!!! My one and only. Sure isn't he running it today ,and of course will be at the finish line 30 minutes ahead of the KOK's, ready to catch me in his defined, muscular arms, mop my sweaty brow and assist me to the first aid tent .....I will think of GG at Mell, Oldbridge, Rathmullen Hill and Dominic Street...he will bring me through, just as he did for the 5k...He will be so proud of us ladies and we are so grateful to him for his unending support and his sense of humour...The KOK's will triumph today, we will laugh, cheer, groan, cry, jump up and down and possibly collapse, but we will be together, alive and we are ready....COME ON RATHMULLEN HILL...I am ready for ya ! ( Excuse any spelling errors ...my hands are shaking !)
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