Goin' down at the Hoedown !
It has taken me a week to get to the point of writing this blog as I have not been able to sit down since last week ! Not that I was busy " not able to sit down" but actually physically not able to sit down . As I had mentioned in my last post, I was heading off to the Hoedown in Lobinstown last Saturday night, following my 5 weeks of jiving lessons. The Dancing Cowboy approached GASP and I on arrival and again asked if I would enter the jiving competition. GASP immediately moved away as did the next 3 people I asked. I had a wee Merlot and approached the Dancing Cowboy, advising him that I would happily enter the competition but I could not source a partner. " Come with me" he uttered and he fought through the crowd to a group of 4 young men ( 25 - 32 I reckon) who looked at me as if I were some friend of their mothers. " Where is he ?" asked the Dancing Cowboy. Looking at me again, they indicated a cream battered cowboy hat in the distance. The Dancing C...