Dishwasher Disagreement

So GASP and I had the pleasure of listening to a radio programme yesterday examining why couples argue, the theory being that we all have different reasons. The presenter, however, felt that all arguments came down to one basic issue i.e. the division of tasks in the home, particularly in the case of the couples who both go out to work....I say " go out to work" as staying home with children is " staying home to work even harder !" Having giggled the whole way through the broadcast as every little row we had ever had being described,( and my having cooked everyone's breakfast......) we headed off to the under 8 football blitz on a gorgeous sunny morning. Numerous conversations take place on the sidelines of these local events, so when The Chicken Man joined us, I mentioned the programme, to which he immediately mentioned the apparently universal issue that he had of women ( he only mentioned his wife but let's face facts, we all know what he meant !) being incapable of "properly" loading a dishwasher. Well ! GASP squealed in delight, wholeheartedly agreeing, advising that he could get another 25% into the dishwasher, once he had moved my pitiful attempts at dish placement. I, of course went into an immediate feminist rant as to how I would be loading the dishwasher while cooking dinner, tending to my children and all manner of other chores, but this was met with guffaws. At that point The Karaoke Queen ( who is on maternity leave) arrived carrying her youngest, watching her middle child while cheering on the eldest on the pitch . Her husband Chicken Curran was busy coaching from the sideline. The dishwasher topic was brought up and her expression quickly changed. " Do you know what he asked me to do last week ? " she exclaimed....! "HE asked ME to change the way I put the spoons in the dishwasher !!!***!!!***." Needless to say I leapt to her side, exclaiming hatred for the entire male race and their damn dishwasher opinions. Chicken Curran caught my eye and I gave him the two finger to the eyes gesture as I glared at him. He smiled nervously. After the match we retired to the hall where the local women had supplied a feast of tea, sandwiches and fruit and myself, GASP, The Chicken Man and Chicken Curran stood together as we advised him of what we had just found out about him. I said he was lucky to be alive, based on the spoon incident , to which he paused, cleared his throat and in front of the assembled group asked me...." So when you fill the dishwasher, do any of the dishes come out still dirty ???" All 3 men stared at me as I , in a very rare occurrence, was left in a stunned silence. The 3 burst out laughing, claiming victory for the male race with an air of superiority emminating from them as they puffed out their chests. Poor bastards....they have no idea.....there's no winning...I contacted their wives and advised them to deprive them of all sexual activity for 2 weeks after every dishwasher incident..........Go girls !!!!


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