
So the Mad One and I headed off to a local Slimming World class, a little distance away, as only Wednesday evenings suited us both, and not, as per local rumour, that the Mad One had been banned from the one in the town. I had noticed on the way over to our first weigh in that the Mad One was in fine spirits, which usually leads to an entertaining evening, and even she herself asked that I stop her if she " overshared". I did wonder how I might actually do this, as once she is in full stride, it's not an easy feat ! My 3 lb weight loss was the first one announced and the Mad One whooped and hollered like a cowgirl. I advised the gathered group that I was delighted with this, as I had not been " all good" for the week, at which point the Mad One advised the room that I had been off for a " dirty night away" ! They sniggered as I explained that the only " dirty" element were the two dirty great glasses of red wine I enjoyed with my pasta dish. My blushes settling, I sat back to listen to the others, happy my time in the limelight was over.....or so I thought ! The Mad Ones weight loss was announced and I duly ( but quietly) whooped and hollered for her, as she commenced her recollection of her week. "Ah yes", she said, " I suppose I was not all that good what with drinking vodka and coke on Saturday night" It appears that the sentence vodka and diet coke is just too long to say at the bar ! She moved on giving a little advice by telling the other dieters that I had given her a mug if soup for her working lunch, but that she had in fact used it to fill her up ahead of her Apache Pizza trip. The mere mention of Apache sent a young wan who has lost 3 stone into a near gasping faint, and you could tell it had been a while since a meat feast had passed her lips ! I thought The Mad One was finished but she felt the need to share a little more, telling everyone how full and bloated she had felt at the start of the week, until she remembered that I , BFM, had told her how constipated I had got the first time too !!! Mother of God. So, 10 minutes in to a new group, my sister has basically advised them about my sex life and bowel habits....I had not realised that her fear of oversharing, should have actually been my fear of her oversharing. She did continue to let everyone know that, thanks to two punnets of strawberries, her constipation was no more ...oh that my embarrassment would pass so easily !


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