And they're off !

Had you entered our kitchen last night you would have found a middle aged, mildly obese woman, in a pair of pyjamas, twerking at the island. Her bemused, amused and bewildered husband sat in the sitting room looking at her with a confused look on his face. The lady in question was, in fact, none other than BFM herself, trying to catch up on her dance moves from the Lip Sync rehearsal she had missed on Friday night. While the Mad One, no doubt, wildly gyrated around a local GAA hall under the instruction of Lambada Lesley, I was hosting a pizza party and sleepover for my eldest. The Mad One also had the joy of being in the company of the 3rd member of our trio, Lip Sync Levins, who has thrown himself into the madness with an air of "I don't give a damn" but he is carrying few bumps and bruises already as the Mad One is VERY enthusiastic. So while my younger sister had the joy of live instruction, company and rousing music, I whipped my hips left and right while trying to view a 2 x 2 inch video on my phone. I did at one point nearly fall into the fridge....reminding me of numerous nights when I have come home "a little late" . I am now dressed and ready to head off to rehearsal. I have reviewed the video 3 times, trimmed my toe nails, reapplied deodorant and am looking forward to meeting my new Lip Sync friends and catching up with the gossip with The Mad One on the way down the road. I will keep the twerking to a minimum as my auld back has paid that price before and I can't have my sex life suffering as a result of my participation...GASP has visions of JLO....reckon I might be a more MMC


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