Crossed lines....Part 2

Soooo...would you believe it. Just after writing my blog last night and the lovely GASP reading it ( still under the impression he was TOTALLY in the right) we sat down together to watch the end of Pelham 123. It gets to the critical point where Denzel the lowly radio controller is asked to deliver the cash to the crazed hostage taker a.k.a. John "Saturday Night Fever " Travolta. While walking to the helicopter with the chief hostage negotiator , Denzel decides to phone the missus, fairly confident that he might never see her again, as Travolta is a bit gun happy. In an effort to pretend that this is not happening his gorgeous wife tells him to take care and to " bring home a gallon of milk when he is finished"....AND THEN.....Denzel asks her " Are you sure we need a gallon" ????****FFFF. I looked incredulously over to GASP who viewed the ensuing conversation where she said yes she did need a gallon and he tried to convince her half a gallon would be fine .....I looked over at my husband and uttered the words....."F****G Typical" !!!


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