Party Pandemonium
I love my children, I love the seven dwarfs, I love the Mad One and her brood, I love my nephews and nieces, I love parties. Put them all ( 15 kids and 8 adults) in the same room for 3 hours, with that room being in my house on the occasion of the babies first birthday and my favourite things combine into a kids party ie. hell on Earth !Now I don't think any parent would disagree with me on this one. Kids parties are total madness. For weeks beforehand you debate what fabulously inventive party menu you will create and browse through kids cookery books,google cakes and recipes and scour the shops for bizarre ingredients and edible decorations. Then things like work and everyday life get in the way and you realise with 12 hours to go that all you have is a pile of the type of sweets you totally disapprove of at parties, you still have to make a cake because you think you should, when you should have got one in Tesco and your husband convinces you that Chicken Nuggets and Chips as all the kids want, so you succumb and end up in front of the cooker in a sweaty mess while a pile of bandits thrash your house.......does this sound like fun ????? They left 3 hours ago and having change the sheets on eldest sons bed because they were covered in mud and grass ( no joke )we have finally hit the couch....wrecked ! On the plus side the boys had a great day, both got lovely presents, all the food was eaten, the fancy dress costumes were fab and the cake did resemble a pumpkin for a few minutes. The Sauvignon Blanc in my hand has never tasted better and my pyjamas never more loved. This night one year ago I was staring at the wonder that is my youngest son, in total rapture, so even though I am exhausted I am smiling.
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