Pesky Pumpkins

Ok so we lost the big one. On Monday I went out and bought a perfectly shaped, perfectly orange large pumpkin. GASP did the honours, cleaning it out and carving it beautifully. Eldest son was delighted when we lit the wee candle and christened him "Paddy the Pumpkin". All good....until this morning ! Paddy had gone blind in one eye due to an infestation of mould ! Like plastic surgery gone bad, next to collapse was the bridge of his nose but before his whole face caved in we sent him to the compost heap leaving eldest son in tears. Jaysus, I wish I had never started this pumpkin thing. Last night I used pureed pumpkin flesh to make Pumpkin Muffins.....they were crap ! Let's face facts pumpkin is tasteless. The reason you add every spice you can think of and vast quantities of sugar to every pumpkin recipe is to cover the taste of the pumpkin !For you own sake substitute every mention of pumpkin for carrot or sweet potato and life will be alot better. I have promised to buy another bloody pumpkin next Friday so that it might survive until Saturdays party for the baby. I promised to make pumpkin pie so I will....for the first and last time !Pumpkin is now my least favourite thing of all time after a brief passionate affair. I am returning to the lemon, who I cruelly abandoned for the last few weeks. You know where you stand with a lemon. The lemon " does what it says on the tin". The lemon is a noble fruit, a loyal companion and a gorgeous shade of yellow. The Lemon brings sun and light. Long live the lemon !


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