Peas, Pumpkins and Polyester

The weather is responsible for an awful lot. Thanks to the dry hot spell in June followed by the recent torrential downpours and humidity, our vegetable garden has taken off. This evening the eldest son wanted to stroll outside to have a look at the veg, so off we went barefoot and found gorgeous fattening pods, full of petite delicious green peas. Every time I turned around eldest son had knicked another one, but I must admit I sampled a few ,myself, Dad tried some and gave our two toothed youngest son took him a while but he managed to mush it up with a green grin. Even more exciting was when I pulled back the vast expanse of pumpkin plant to find our first baby pumpkin...ok so it is the size of a cherry tomato but it's a start. Eldest son advised me that "the chinese" cut eyes and mouths in theirs and put candles in and what were we going to do ? I came up with pumpkin pie, but all he wanted to know was what colour it would be when it was finished. Once I said "orange" ( his favourite colour) he was in his element and will probably watch the wee squash daily. The spinach is thriving and when sauteed with smoked bacon the other night was a great accompaniment to roast chicken. I plan to bring some over to Newly Singles house for lunch tomorrow.....if I make it ! Due to the humidity I am likely to perish at work tomorrow as unfortunately my unifrom trousers are 100% polyester. In ordinary circumstances this is hazardous but in this heavy oppressive weather, they are contrary to all Health and Safety advice. Luckily this morning , as I donned a pair of M&S shiny black big girl pants, I remembered it was a uniform day, and quickly changed to completely unsexy 100% cotton " briefs" ( nothing brief about them). This last minute ingenuity saved my bottom from spontaneously combusting on entering the hospital ward ,but thats not to say that I spent the morning in comfort....oh no ! Infection control demands that I wear a plastic apron over my tunic and polyester tunic....think "The Full Monty" and the guy who wrapped himself in Clingfilm !Public servent I might be but don't for one minute think that it's a cushy number !!!!!!


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