Picnics and Porn stars

So, GASP has very kindly decided to go to Newly Singles for dinner on Friday night. It is getting even more exciting as I met her fir a picnic today and she was able to tell me that the Porn Star is coming ( excuse the pun !) as is the Baking Queen and the Teacher....the makings of an excellent night indeed. Now the porn star is a gentleman (?) friend of the Financial Advisors and has previously shown up for dinner wearing a t-shirt with this written on it "Amateur gynaecologist at your cervix". He also greeted the Ban Garda for the frist time with the words " you have magnifient breasts". He is therefore not backward at coming forward ( just can't help it !).He was at the Sage and Stone Food and Craft Fair on Saturday selling Art....non erotic Art !He was previously a member of the army, which I for one always found hard to believe as he wouldn't know a covert operation if it hit him on the crotch. He is now an art dealer/gallery owner and has some really lovely pieces ( I am referring to the art !).
Newly Single is planning a Mexican evening adn I have volunteered to bring dessert. The Mexican theme has me thinking but at the moment I am planning a Tequila and Lime cheesecake....obviously! They do an avacado and lime cheesecake in Mexico apparently but that may be a step too far.If todays picnic is anything to go by Fridays nights fare will be good. I arrived to meet the Tall One, Newly Single and their mother the Duracell Bunny wiht our 12 owned and borrowed children at a local beauty spot at lunchtime. I brought "salad" sandwiches, ham sandwiches, crisps and drinks, whereas they arrived with seeded or tomato bread , pate, blue or cream cheese,sausages, rashers,tomato ketchup, smoked salmon, chocolate brownies and home made scones with butter and jam !!!!!Posh hey...no wonder I hang around with them ! Roll on Friday night. God knows what blog fodder I will get !


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