Beach fodder

It still amazes me how the presence of a beach and some sun can make the worlds simplest picnic seem like a gourmet meal. The ham sandwich and packet of crisps served up, in these circumstances, yesterday were sublime ! Now I must point out that the freshness of the bread and quality of the ham does count, and the crisp must have the perfect crunch so when you put them into the sandwich they add the desired texture....along with the few stray grains of sand !Now we went posh yesterday, becasue we were in the Marbella of the South East...Dunmore East.....and brought a bottle of 7up instead of the Orange Squash....very risque considering the state of the nations finances. I did notice one group bring full plates of dinner with knives and forks from the pub overlooking the strand, but quite frankly they looked ridiculous. When we went up to the playground afterwards the classic Granny picnic was in evidence,the own brand packet of rich tea biscuits, Tayto and Coke. This old favourite was greeted with shouts of delight by the grandchildren.
Now I know ( and love that) you can go to the Opera in Lough Crew with the Mad One and BMM with Lobster tails, Speciality breads and Moet and eat by the light of a 12 candle candelabra, but lets face facts, it won't taste any better than the beach basics !


  1. Mmmmmm- crisp sandwiches-how i miss them!! It must be said that BMM is and forever will be the one and only true queen of picnics, somehow still warm cooked chicken, home made soup, fresh bread etc etc & always some home cooked delight like her peppermint squares for dessert!

  2. Totally forgot the chocolate peppermint squares. Will page the oracle (BMM) for the recipe and will deliver it soon xx


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