London 2011
I insist that you open this link ! The Tall One sent this to the FA and my good self and single handedly it is the reason that London is now being condidered for the 2011event of the year...the FA's 40th ! Yes, I realise that I have spilled the beans on her age before she even turns 39 but it gives her about 14 months to get used to the idea and to book the afternoon tea !Preggers will be delighted that we are joining her in her country, Newly Single will find a whole new playing field, the Blonde will be returning to her roots ( only her cultural ones !), I can spend a year googling London restaurants and the ambassadrice can take the channel tunnel....hurrah !Now may well also be the time to open the "we're going to London fund"...all donations welcome and you can be confident that all monies will go straight to the provision of food !


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