The Grim Eater

Yes, there is a character called the "Grim Eater" according to todays news. He lives in New Zealand and has spent the last few weeks travelling to, on average four funerals per week, simply to eat the food, even removing some in plastic containers !Now I may have accused my sister who lives in NZ, the Fit One ,on occasion of being tight, but now I realise by New Zealand standards she is positively generous !To my knowledge, she has never attended a funeral simply to partake of the fact she is so fit she has never attended anything simply to partake of the food. While I clock up miles in the "Renault I will always hate", she runs 10 k daily....hard to credit we are related in fact, except when she arrives home to Ireland and requests Bacon, Cabbage and Spuds as her first meal. Having survived on dried fruits, nuts and fruit up until that point, she loses all control and lashes the butter onto the spuds before mashing it all together and devouring it with a look of ecstasy on her face. Then I know she is truly my biological sister and I love her for it !


  1. Mmmmm nuthin' like bacon, cabbage & spuds with 1/2 lb of kerrygold to create the fantastic fusion!!! Don't forget the King cheese & onion too!!! The 10km runs are only to equal out the massive appetite on the other side!! (have been known to outeat my hubbie on regular occasions especially if crackling's involved!)Classic blog-can't say i have been to any funerals lately-thank God! But yes-totally agreee with the tight call, I thought we were only of English & Irish heritage-must be some Scots in there somewhere too!)
    The ever thrifty (aka tightarse) Kiwisis (aka Fit One) xx


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