Snoring !

Last night as we brought eldest son down to bed, we heard a strange noise from the boys room. Oh yes, the 7 month old was lying ,on his side, snoring ! GASP thought this was hilarious, but as a woman who now lives in a house with a 7 month old snorer, a 4 year old snorer and a 43 year old snorer, I did not find it particularly funny. GASP and I started off married life in the usual state of bliss newlyweds enjoy, unil the first night he snored. Now the problem was not that he snored, but that , when I nudged him and asked him to roll over because he was snoring, he answered with "No I wasn't, I wasn't even asleep" . I am always awake longer that GASP because I read and I therefore get to observe that 20 second process it takes for GASP to fall asleep on his back and immediately commence snoring.He seems to think that I nudge him for no apparent reason and make up the fact that he snores ???????? What possible reason would make a woman wake up in the middle of the night and nudge her husband asking him to roll over unless he is in fact snoring....why on earth would I make it up ? He is still, 7 years later convinced that I imagine his snoring and is quite rude when nudged. It may well be the reason he is found in bed one day with a bread knife to the chest ! Now there are 3 snorers in the house. What does the future hold for me except sleepless, annoyed nights anda narky breakfasts together. Now the FA would probably but in now and remind me that I kept her awake in Paris the first night snoring...there was a very good reason...I had a woeful sinus infection, aggravated by the plane flight and none of my friends can ever remember be snoring so I think I was entitled to this blip in my snore free history. The FA is very polite too as she did not even try to ask me to stop or roll over. She is not like my friend the Scot. The Scot is a) female and b) the worst snorer I know. I once spent 2 weeks in Italy in the same room as her and she wondered why I never came down for was the only bloody sleep I got !
She has taken to wearing ear plugs to bed, when she shares a room with anyone else, so that their pleas to her to "PLEASE STOP", do not disturb her sleep !!!!!


  1. Snoring arises when breathing is obstructed. This can be caused by a cold or an anatomical
    irregularity in the nose or throat.

    However, the most common cause of snoring is, that the muscles in and around the throat
    relax too much when we are asleep. This means that the opening in the throat becomes
    narrow, and air has difficulty in passing.

    You can look into anti-snoring nasal drops. The nasal drop lubricates and softens the
    mucous membrane and lightly tightens the musculature in the throat. This means that
    breathing is not disturbed in any way, and that your mouth will not be as dry in the morning.
    Check out the link below for more details.

  2. Surprised BFM hasn't already bought shares in the nasal drops! As the 'apparently' offending Scot, I hasten to add that there were 3 of us sharing our capacious Italian boudoir, and the 3rd occupant shares a similar affliction. BFM didn't stand a chance! If only she had the same capacity to consume sufficient quantities of Lacrima Christie or Greco di Tufo, two fabulous wines of Campagnia, in which we indulged ourselves. I think the other was a Falanghina, equally sumptuous.


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